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来源: 西部文学汇 时间:2024-04-30
1、感谢有你,给了我难以忘怀的浪漫,让我一生有了回忆不完的甜蜜。 Thank you for giving me unforgettable romance and making my life sweet with endless memories. 2、朋友,谢谢你们在我失落的时候,站在我的身边不断地鼓励着我,重新鼓起我前进的风帆! Friends, thank you for standing beside me when I was lost, and constantly encouraging me, and re drum up my sails! 3、人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来。 Life must be full of joy, do not make the golden cup empty to the moon. I'm made of my own material, and I'll come back after all my gold is gone. 4、您好!给您写这封短信,是为了表达我内心由衷得感谢,谢谢您—直以来对我得支持和信任! Hello! I'm writing this message to you to express my heartfelt thanks for your support and trust! 5、感谢你,我的朋友,我一生的朋友,无论人生如何变迁,无论时光如何流逝。友情不变。 Thank you, my friend, friend of my life, no matter how life changes, no matter how time passes. Friendship does not change. 6、等待是灯火阑珊,暮然回首是你。相遇是春风十里,浅笑轻颦是你,感谢上天让我遇见你。 Waiting is the light is fading, looking back is you. Meet is spring breeze ten li, smile light frown is you, thank God let me meet you. 7、蜜蜂从花中啜蜜,离开时营营的道谢。浮夸的蝴蝶却相信花是应该向他道谢的。 Bees sip honey from the flowers and say thanks when they leave. The flamboyant butterfly believes that the flower should thank him. 8、很感激你,正式因为你一直以来的容忍和提拔,才有我今天在公司的成绩,谢谢你! Thank you very much. Because of your tolerance and promotion all the time, I got my achievements in the company today. Thank you! 9、你不要难过,有些人一辈子都不会遇到那么帅的人让自己喜欢,你是幸运的。 Don't be sad. Some people will never meet such a handsome person in their life. You are lucky. 10、放心是船,满意为帆。团结是皮,奋进是馅。衷心地感谢全体员工的励精图治和全情付出! Rest assured is the ship, satisfaction is the sail. Unity is skin, and striving is stuffing. Sincerely thank all the staff for their efforts and dedication! 11、或许多少年后我们再回头看这段感情,我们是那样的滑稽,但我却仍然感谢有你陪伴。 Maybe many years later we look back on this relationship, we are so funny, but I still thank you for your company. 12、朋友,谢谢在我高兴的时候,急着问我到底为什么事情而高兴。 Friend, thank you for asking me why I am happy when I am happy. 13、朋友,谢谢在我得意的时候,给我泼一冷水,让我醒来! My friend, thank you for pouring cold water on me when I'm proud, and let me wake up! 14、我在很好的时候碰到你,是我的运气,人生,只要两次幸运就好,一次遇到你,一次走到底。 I met you at the best time, is my luck, life, as long as two lucky, once met you, a walk to the end. 15、五彩缤纷的生活,需要用感恩来装点。 Colorful life needs to be decorated with gratitude. 16、那些陪我度过很难捱时光的信念,物件和人,很感谢有你的陪伴。 Those beliefs, objects and people who accompanied me through the most difficult time, thank you for your company. 17、感谢朋友,人生得一知己足矣,能交到以为生死与共、携手共进的真心朋友,已经知足了。 Thanks to friends, life is enough to have a confidant, can make a sincere friend who thinks life and death together, hand in hand, has been satisfied. 18、亲爱的领导,正因为有您的带头作用,才使我们能在工作中尽职尽责、爱岗敬业。 Dear leaders, it is because of your leading role that we can do our duty and love our work. 19、或许是一阵风雨的洗礼,才使得心与心之间的碰撞更为清脆响亮,更为精彩晶莹绚丽。 Perhaps it is the baptism of a storm that makes the collision between the hearts more clear and loud, more brilliant and brilliant. 20、你的友情,在我的生活里就像一盏灯,照亮了我的心灵,使我的生命有了光彩。 Your friendship, like a lamp in my life, lights up my heart and makes my life glorious. 21、懒得客气地来和你说谢谢,咱们到哪个馆子里撮一顿,唠唠嗑,如何? I'm too lazy to say thank you politely. What restaurant shall we go to for a meal and chat? 22、感谢,遇见你。欢喜是你,心动是你。这一次,听你唱我与你,全世界倾听,我多乐意。 Thank you for meeting you. Joy is you, heart is you. This time, I'd love to hear you sing, me and you, the world listen. 23、感谢有你,黑暗的天空开始闪亮;感谢有你,生活的天地有了色彩。 Thank you, the dark sky began to shine; thank you, the world of life has color. 24、感谢一路上有你的陪伴,我收获里很多。路还在,我们一起走,请你别离开。 Thank you for your company all the way. I have gained a lot. The road is still there. Let's go together. Please don't leave. 25、感谢你的帮助,感谢你对我做的一切。任何时间,请接受我很真心的祝愿! Thank you for your help. Thank you for everything. Any time, please accept my best wishes! 26、感恩是一种处世哲学,感恩是一种生活智慧,感恩更是学会做人,成就阳光人生的支点。 Thanksgiving is a philosophy of life, Thanksgiving is a wisdom of life, Thanksgiving is the fulcrum of learning to be a man and achieving a sunny life. 27、藉此机会,让我们对凡在业务发展方面给予有力支持的朋友、客户表示感谢。 We would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks to our friends and customers who have given us strong support in business development. 28、从不怪罪于你的怀疑,反而更加感谢有你。恰恰是因为你的怀疑,让我更加认识了自己。 Never blame your suspicions, but thank you more. It is precisely because of your doubt that I know myself better. 29、你是莲蓬下的藕从不炫耀自己。在你朴素的外表里面,是白玉一般洁白无瑕的心地。 You are the lotus root under the lotus canopy and never show off yourself. Inside your simple appearance, there is a white jade in your heart. 30、感谢在生活中帮助我的人,那些小细节我也都会记在心里,愿心地善良的人,都能收到回报。 Thank you for helping me in my life, those small details I will also remember in my heart, willing to good people, can receive return. 31、人生于天地之间,戴天地之大恩,时时保有一颗感恩的心很为可贵。 Life between heaven and earth, wearing the great grace of heaven and earth, always keep a grateful heart is the most valuable. 32、感谢你在工作上对我的帮助和指导,新的一年里,祝您身体健康,万事如意! Thank you for your help and guidance in my work. I wish you good health and good luck in the new year! 33、无论我对你再好,都换不来你的一路相伴。 No matter how good I am to you, I can't get your company all the way. 34、感谢你,我的爱人,有了你,我的世界永远精彩无限。 Thank you, my love. With you, my world will be wonderful forever. 35、希望明天也可以说是今天,一切顺利!感谢帮助我的人! I hope tomorrow can also be said to be today, everything goes well! Thank you for helping me! 36、在这平凡而又艰难的一生里,还是感谢曾经遇见你。 In this ordinary and difficult life, or thank you once met you. 37、上次你帮了我的大忙,我想对你说一声:谢谢,并祝你在新的一年里:事事顺心,身体健康! Last time you helped me a lot, I want to say to you: Thank you, and wish you in the new year: everything goes well, good health!






